Live Your Life With Passion and Enthusiasm! Release the positive in you and your relationships! Better health and wellness in ALL areas are now YOURS!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

First of Many!

Participants in the First of many Kingman Arizona Vemma events!
*Left to Right, Doug, Judy, Heather, Jm, Stacy, Nick, Nikki, Stephanie, Shauna and her daughter*

Anyone in the Kingman Az area, we meet at 707 East Beale Street Monday Nights @ 6 with doors opening at 5:30. Samples, give aways, information and more! Come on out, just drop me a line @ 877-899-3977 to let me know you're coming....seating can be limited :)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Holidays: Build your business or take a break?

“It’s the holiday season…..” as the song goes and many people are under the mistaken assumption that it means that their business needs to go on the back burner. The reasons surrounding this belief are many, from the crazy-business of the season, to people aren’t focused on business and my favorite, that others just don’t have the money.

I am here to tell you that all these reasons are so far from the truth!! Building your business NOW is possible and it all starts with YOU!

Maybe you’re one of those people that find the holidays stressful and you simply dread them. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will get what you have always gotten. The key is to change you focus. My good friend Cheryl Ables always reminds me of this universal truth, that “your thoughts equal your feelings that equal your actions that in turn equal your results”. If you want your business to move from surviving to thriving, YOU have to think, believe and move in that direction. What you focus on grows. Network Marketing is more about becoming the person that others want to be around then any sales tool or gimmick.

That said, here are some ways I use to build my business during the holidays and throughout the year as well:

1. Take time out for yourself. Put YOURSELF on your own priority list. I cannot stress this point enough. Eat right, exercise; find balance amidst all that goes on around you. Personal growth is the key to finding balance and avoiding a self care deficit. Read, listen to an audio book. My personal favorites right now are “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen Covey, and “Your Right To Be Rich” by Bob Proctor. Also, ANYTHING by Les Brown is a phenomenal investment in you. Don’t have these books? Put them on your Christmas list!

2. Be Positive! This means moving out of your comfort zone for many people. Put out good vibrations (the Beach Boys had it right!). Determine in yourself that you are having the best holiday season and these thoughts will lead to a change in your feelings, which change your actions and as a result, you WILL have the best holiday season. It’s simple but it can be hard. If you are comfortable, you are not growing.

3. Talk to people! The holidays are the perfect time to reconnect with those people you don’t normally see. Start conversations, ask questions. People love talking about themselves. Become an expert listener. If you don’t think that you are good at “small talk”, use a system or outline. I use F.O.R.M. which stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Motivation. Develop relationships now; don’t focus on signing up everyone. What seeds you plant now will positively affect your business in the next 90 days.

4. Go shopping! Spread your positive vibes and the world will know there is just something different about you. People will be attracted to you and want to know what it is that you’ve got. I find that when I set my intent on going out, meeting people and just spreading joy, I make my most important contacts…and they come to ME!

5. Focus on the positives of your product. Talk about good health, increased energy if you sell a health product for example rather than always focusing on the fear factor of poor health. Facts tell, stories sell...if people ask about what your product does, tell them how great the product has helped someone, and leave them feeling good after talking to you.

6. The holiday letter. I include a Christmas letter in my cards to give those friends and loved ones a quick update on how the family is doing. I always include a blurb about my business but not an overt sales pitch. Don’t fire hose your warm market especially when they open your card expecting season’s greetings…. all they may want at the moment is a sip of water.

7. Gifting! It is more blessed to give than to receive as the bible says. I use product as gifts for my hairdresser, massage therapist, teachers….just about anyone that I believe would benefit from using the product. You can make it as simple as a few sample or trial size items or as elaborate as a gift basket filled with product.

8. Be a boy scout! “Always be prepared”! Be ready to do business at all times but maintain a quiet intensity so that your prospects don’t get that “Uh Oh, I’m being sold” feeling. I purposely buy a bag that not only carries my necessities but also has room for several brochures and samples. Always get their contact information so that you follow up with them and see what they liked about your product/information

9. New Year’s Resolutions! Ok, I do this too, what do most people resolve to do in January? The top two are to make more money and lose weight. Do you offer a network marketing opportunity? Just imagine how to market the benefits and tax dollar savings of a home based business to those wanting to keep more of the money they make. Find your audience, what does your product/company/opportunity offer that addresses those needs?

This holiday season, don’t follow the crowd- to paraphrase Bob Proctor, if a group of people are all going in the same direction and two people are going in the opposite direction of that group, follow the TWO and you will make money.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Intention and Action

"You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone, which can become a watered-down, occasional hope that you'll get to tomorrow. Intention without action is useless."

Caroline Myss
Author of Entering The Castle

My actions include personal growth. For now I am going through the Bob Proctor series "Six Minutes To Success" which is a quick, easy digestible way to study and internalize the law of attraction. For more information click here: BoB Proctor

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Always Believe in Your Dreams

this poem was sent to me by Cheryl Ables, source unknown...

Always Believe in your dreams

Keep looking forward to the future...
to all you might be. Don't let old
mistakes or misfortunes hold you down:
Learn from them, forgive yourself...
or others...and move on. Do not be
bothered or discouraged by adversity.
Instead, meet it as a challenge. Be
empowered by the courage it takes you
to overcome obstacles. Learn something
new every day. Be interested in others
and what they might teach you, but do
not look for yourself in other people's
approval. As far as you, who you are and
who you will become goes...

...the answer is always within yourself.
Believe in yourself. Follow your heart and
your dreams. everyone ...will
make mistakes. But so long as you are true
to the strength within your own can never go wrong.

Always Believe in Your Dreams...

Sunday, November 30, 2008

SuperJuices on Trial

The December 2008 issue of Men’s Journal ® magazine features the results of their independent research on some of the most popular juices available today. In the article on page 100, "Superjuices on trial", Men’s Journal ® magazine did their own independent testing on several popular superjuices in an article called “Superjuices on Trial”. This independent study awarded Vemma the "Best Overall Rating" while finding one of thevery popular Acai berry juices in the "not so super" Category.

*the article below originally appeared in the December 2008 edition of Men’s Journal ® magazine page 100 *

Monday, November 24, 2008


This quote came in my "Insight for the Day" sent out by the amazing Bob Proctor. Change begins when we DECIDE to do it, thinking is the very first step to success.

"I was worthless, until I decided to be worth more."

Kim Jeffery
Career Woman

Sunday, November 9, 2008

My dream board car

My Z4 Roadster 3.0i 3.0-liter, inline 6-cylinder engine
Rear-wheel drive
Base MSRP$36,700
Montego Blue Metallic$550
Black roof top $0
Black Leather$1,150
Dark Poplar wood trim$0
Premium Package $3,650
Navigation system
$1,800 Premium hi-fi system$875
iPod® Interface Adapter$185
All Weather Rubber Floor Mats$50
Destination & Handling: $825
Total MSRP as Built $45,785

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Albert Einstein
1879-1955, Physicist

Friday, October 31, 2008

Mad - Angry - And then some + THE PROBLEM WITH AMERICANS

Check it out at Larry Winget's Blog

Larry lets it all hang out--I confess, I agree with a lot of what he says....

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What You Think Is What You Get

"When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free."

Catherine Ponder
Author of Dynamic Laws of Prosperity
Featured in the October reading list HERE

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Reflections and loss

I am sitting here tonight living what I have heard at many Vemma events--that "what if you DON'T tell someone about Vemma". My friend Mike was diagnosed with brain cancer and although Mark and I shared the product, he even taking it for a month, he decided that he would do the chemo. That was several months ago. He has been having multiple health issues and just now, I received word that they have found cancer throughout his body. My heart just breaks for this family, his youngest daughter is just 17, he being only 50--that is so young.

I/we introduced them to Vemma, they made the choice and decision not to go that route--my conscious is "free" although my heart breaks. I only write this because I know what amazing health results others have had on the product. Please, and this is for myself as for anyone, don't let fear of a "no" stop you from sharing this product with everyone you know---it is life changing--even though it seems "too late" I will again offer the product to my friend--miracles never cease and my friend RachelT just this week told me a story of her friends Mom with cancer and how the product, although it didn't take away the cancer or delay her death, made her more comfortable in the time she had left here on earth......

Share the product you never know who's life you can affect for the good....

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Benefits of Guarana and Caffeine

What is guarana and why is it used in Verve!?
Guarana seed was traditionally used by indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest as a beverage and medicine. In the early 1800’s the plant was introduced into France by a physician who had been working in Brazil and it came to be employed in the treatment of numerous ailments. Today, nutritionists believe it may be supportive for athletic performance, fatigue and weight control.

Based on recent analyses of guarana by high-performance chromatography it’s been determined to have antioxidant and free-radical scavenging abilities. The primary active constituents in guarana are guaranine; which is nearly identical to caffeine, and the closely related alkaloids, theobromine and theophylline. Guaranine is responsible for supporting vitality and is compatible with a wide variety of nutrients, hence the inclusion of guarana in Verve!

What are the benefits of caffeine?
Caffeine’s effects (and hence those of guaranine) are well known. It stimulates the central nervous system, increasing metabolic rate, and has a mild diuretic effect.¹ One recent research study showed that caffeine consumption may have benefits for performance and safety in the workplace.² The results of another study showed that caffeine may modulate a higher brain function through its effects on distinct areas of the brain, particularly as it relates to working memory.³ Working memory represents the type of brain activity needed to remember things for a short period of time such as looking at a phone number and mentally storing it until it’s been dialed. While all of these results are promising, the research does not suggest increased consumption of what is considered normal just yet

What are some of the caffeine levels of products that are currently on the market?

information found HERE

Verve! currently has 80 milligrams of caffeine which is considered an amount healthy for your heart and blood pressure by leading doctors in the field. Get your Verve! today and do something HEALTHY for your body!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Antioxidants, Exercise and Inflammation

Was doing an internet search on inflammation and the effects antioxidants have on them and came across the following article. [Emphasis mine]

A study funded by the National Institute on Aging, and published in the July 2004 issue of the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, examined the effects of exercise and antioxidant supplements on the inflammatory markers C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha).

Inflammation is related to a large number of chronic diseases and is associated with obesity and increased age. Bouts of intense or prolonged exercise may stimulate an inflammatory response according to many studies, but the effect of regular exercise on inflammation has been less well researched.

Researchers examined data from the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study which provided information on body mass index, exercise and activity levels, and medication and nutritional supplement intake for 2,964 men and women recruited from two locations in the United States. Blood samples were analyzed for serum levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6, and plasma levels of TNF-alpha.

In this study, individuals who reported higher levels of exercise and higher levels of nonexercise physical activity had lower levels of C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and TNF-alpha. As revealed in previous studies, body mass index was positively related to levels of all three inflammatory markers. The use of multivitamin supplements, beta carotene, vitamin C and/or vitamin E, was associated with lower levels of C-reactive protein and interleukin-6 regardless of whether the participant reported high or low exercise levels. The authors wrote that “taking an antioxidant supplement was associated with CRP levels similar to those seen in those who exercised 180 minutes/week or more and did not take supplements.”

The authors note that differences in body fat level explained some but not all of the association found between exercise levels and reduction in inflammatory markers in this study.


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society; July 2004
for more information on disease, inflammation and CRP, click here

Monday, October 20, 2008


"When you know that you're capable of dealing with whatever comes, you have the only security the world has to offer."

Harry Browne
Financial Advisor and Writer

Yes, times are crazy, the stock market is nuts,the economy on a downward slide--and there's a pending election to boot!

What is security anyway? According to a few ways to define security are:
1. freedom from danger, risk, etc.; safety.
2. freedom from care, anxiety, or doubt; well-founded confidence.
3. something that secures or makes safe; protection; defense.
4. freedom from financial cares or from want: The insurance policy gave the family security.

Hmmm, after reading that, I wonder, do we have any security in our lives beyond that which comes from within--the ability to take what is happening at that moment and use it for good? I agree with Harry Browne; Life is what we make of it--and with that, I opt for developing multiple streams of income, how 'bout you?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Ammunition for WHY we read

How are you coming with your home library? Do you need some good ammunition on why it's so important to read? The last time I checked the statistics...I think they indicated that only four percent of the adults in this country have bought a book within the past year. That's dangerous. It's extremely important that we keep ourselves in the top five or six percent.

In one of the Monthly Letters from the Royal Bank of Canada it was pointed out that reading good books is not something to be indulged in as a luxury. It is a necessity for anyone who intends to give his life and work a touch of quality. The most real wealth is not what we put into our piggy banks but what we develop in our heads. Books instruct us without anger, threats and harsh discipline. They do not sneer at our ignorance or grumble at our mistakes. They ask only that we spend some time in the company of greatness so that we may absorb some of its attributes.
You do not read a book for the book's sake, but for your own.

You may read because in your high-pressure life, studded with problems and emergencies, you need periods of relief and yet recognize that peace of mind does not mean numbness of mind.

You may read because you never had an opportunity to go to college, and books give you a chance to get something you missed. You may read because your job is routine, and books give you a feeling of depth in life.

You may read because you did go to college.

You may read because you see social, economic and philosophical problems which need solution, and you believe that the best thinking of all past ages may be useful in your age, too.

You may read because you are tired of the shallowness of contemporary life, bored by the current conversational commonplaces, and wearied of shop talk and gossip about people.

Whatever your dominant personal reason, you will find that reading gives knowledge, creative power, satisfaction and relaxation. It cultivates your mind by calling its faculties into exercise.

Books are a source of pleasure - the purest and the most lasting. They enhance your sensation of the interestingness of life. Reading them is not a violent pleasure like the gross enjoyment of an uncultivated mind, but a subtle delight.
Reading dispels prejudices which hem our minds within narrow spaces. One of the things that will surprise you as you read good books from all over the world and from all times of man is that human nature is much the same today as it has been ever since writing began to tell us about it.

Some people act as if it were demeaning to their manhood to wish to be well-read but you can no more be a healthy person mentally without reading substantial books than you can be a vigorous person physically without eating solid food. Books should be chosen, not for their freedom from evil, but for their possession of good. Dr. Johnson said: "Whilst you stand deliberating which book your son shall read first, another boy has read both.

Earl Nightingale

Retrieved from
Insight Of The Day
8900 E Pinnacle Peak Rd. Suite D240
Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Phone: 1-800-871-9715

Fax: 1-480-661-1014

Readers are leaders
Earners are learners
If you aren't growing, you are dying
"Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." Karen Kaiser Clark

Kingman Street Drags THIS weekend

if you're unable to load the video, click here

Street Drags and Kingman Robotics Team 60-----------

Where the Rubber Meets the Robot!

Come out and support Kingman Street Drags September 20-21, 2008!! Don't forget to stop by the Kingman Robotics "Powered by Verve" booth for the Insanely HeAlThY Energy Drink and water--ALL proceeds benefit the Robotics Club on their 2008-2009 quest to Nationals

Want more VeRvE!?
Check out THIS website--all proceeds through January 31, 2009 from CASE sales of VeRvE will benefit Team 60.

You can also benefit the Robotics Team by filling out an Arizona Tax Credit Form (for Az State taxpayers).

C ya There!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


**thanks Janelle, found this on your wordpress--need to focus on this daily**


$ I am an excellent money manager

$ I always pay myself first

$ I put money into my financial freedom account every day

$ My money works hard for me and makes me more and more money

$ I earn enough passive income to pay for my desired lifestyle

$ I am financially free. I work because I choose to, not because I have to.

$ My part-time business is managing and investing my money, and creating passive income streams


$ I create my life. I create the exact amount of my financial success.

$ I play the money game to win. My intention is to create wealth and abundance

$ I admire and model rich and successful people.

$ I believe money is important, money is freedom, and money makes life more enjoyable.

$ I get rich doing what I love.

$ I deserve to be rich because I add value to other people’s lives.

$ I am a generous giver and an excellent receiver.

$ I am truly grateful for all the money I have now.

$ Lucrative opportunities always come my way.

$ My capacity to earn, hold and grow money expands day-by-day

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Menopause and Lifestyle Changes

After reading this article, I am more convinced that the vitamin and mineral product I have chosen to enhance my life with actually DOES for me what I want it to! Amen!!
Italic comments are mine, not part of the article
**From the Harvard Health Publications Special Health Report, Menopause, Managing the Change of Life. Copyright 2006 by the President and Fellows of Harvard College. Illustrations by Fiona Hawthorne, Susan Avishai, and Jesse Tarantino. All rights reserved. Written permission is required to reproduce, in any manner, in whole or in part, the material contained herein. To make a reprint request, contact Harvard Health Publications.**

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are important at all ages, and as you get older they may play a role in disease prevention. In midlife, women should start thinking of them as some added insurance against chronic diseases. Certain vitamin and mineral supplements — namely calcium, vitamin D, and the B vitamins — can help reduce the risk of various age-related chronic illnesses. There's some evidence that vitamin E may help ease hot flashes, but the data have been mixed. Taking a daily multivitamin will probably meet your vitamin needs, but to get sufficient calcium, you'll most likely need additional supplements.

Calcium maintains proper functioning in the bones, heart, and nerves. If you don't consume enough to meet all of these physiological needs, your bones will pay the price. Your body will take what it needs from your bones, and the result could be osteoporosis. At midlife, women should consume more calcium than in previous years because calcium absorption declines with age. After menopause, you need 1,200 milligrams (mg) of calcium daily. Choose low-fat dairy options, such as skim or 1% milk and low-fat yogurt and cheese. Dried beans, dark green leafy vegetables, and nuts are other sources of calcium. Calcium supplements are also an excellent way to get the calcium you need. Your best bet for improving absorption is to take supplements in divided doses — that is, one pill in the morning and one later in the day. Many women find that drinking calcium-fortified orange juice or eating flavored calcium chews is an easy way to meet their daily requirement. (or use a liquid supplement-Jmf)

Vitamin D
Calcium and vitamin D work together to help maintain bone density. Without vitamin D, the body can't absorb calcium. Vitamin D production takes place in the body when ultraviolet light from the sun reacts with a form of cholesterol in the skin. A little bit of sunshine — about 15 minutes a day — can help boost your vitamin D production, but more than that can raise your risk of skin cancer. Vitamin D is also available in fortified milk. Women over 50 should get 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily; after age 71, the recommended amount is 600 IU. (1000 iu's of vitamin D3 daily has been found to reduce the risk of the big 4 cancers-Prostate, Breast,Ovarian, and Colon as seen at this link )

B vitamins
Maintaining appropriate levels of certain B vitamins can help midlife and older women ward off anemia, depression, insomnia, irritability, and possibly heart disease and breast cancer. Folic acid, or folate, is a B vitamin that has a variety of healthful properties. Besides helping to prevent neural tube defects in developing fetuses, folate may help lower the risk of heart disease and several types of cancer, including breast cancer and colon cancer. In particular, a daily supplement of folic acid helps reduce cancer risk in people who drink alcohol. In the Nurses' Health Study, women getting the recommended daily amount of folate from foods or supplements had a lower risk of heart disease than women who got lower amounts. Folate is found in green leafy vegetables and oranges. Folic acid is the form of folate that's found in supplements and fortified cereals. The recommended daily dose is 400 micrograms (mcg) per day.

Vitamin B12 is necessary for red blood cell production and healthy nerve function. It is found in red meat, chicken, fish, dairy products, and fortified cereals. Deficiencies of this nutrient are rare in the United States but may occur in elderly people who do not have enough stomach acid to extract vitamin B12 from foods. Vitamin B12 deficiencies in the elderly can lead to a condition called pernicious anemia, which can cause nerve damage and sometimes dementia. Injections of B12 are needed for people with this deficiency because their digestive systems are often unable to absorb this vitamin. The recommended dose for adults is 2.4 mcg per day.

Vitamin B6 metabolizes fat and protein and aids in the development of red blood cells and the neurotransmitter serotonin. The primary sources are meat and legumes. B6 may help reduce your risk of heart disease; studies show that intake below the recommended 1.5 mg daily (for women) is linked with an increased risk of coronary artery disease. Low levels of vitamin B6 have also been linked with depression, insomnia, and irritability. It's important to know that if you reduce your consumption of red meat without increasing your consumption of legumes (beans and peas) you may lower your intake of this vitamin.
it is amazing to me how the deficiencies noted with the varied B vitamins were the symptoms I experienced in the 2-3 years before I found Vemma All I can say is for me, Vemma has literally changed my life and I am forever grateful!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Dr. Mr. Obama Video from Utube

I don't normally post things like this but regardless of your political view, this is a testament to those who serve in the armed forces. Regardless of our views on the war in Iraq, who we are voting for (and voting is a privilege that should be done by EVERY citizen in this country)

Secrets of the Super Rich

Segment from the Seeds of Success Newsletter

While many daydream about what it would be like to be enormously wealthy (the kind of wealthy that means owning a different tropical island for every day of the week), it's just not in the cards for most people. What we can do is study the principles of the uber-rich and learn their secrets to fulfill our own wealth destinies, albeit on a smaller scale. Who knows, maybe a tropical island is in your future!

1. Be Your Own Boss
According to the Federal Reserve, only 12 percent of Americans own a privately held business. Compare that number against the top 10 percent of wealthiest households, for whom 21 percent own their own business. Family-owned businesses are a considerable source of wealth for many of the most affluent households in America. Plus, that number is expanding with the new, startup businesses that are amassing small fortunes.

While starting and owning your own business poses potential risks, it can also be a direct precursor for unlimited wealth if careful considerations are weighed and you position yourself accordingly in the market. Read more about effectively managing your own business.

Bloggers note: Did you know that network marketing/direct sales, or MLM is a good business opportunity for those people who are looking for a home based business? Just check out the book "We Want You To Be Rich" by Trump and Kiyosaki. Low start up costs for the most part when compared to conventional, store front businesses. Actually my business cost me only $144 to start and that was product I was planning on using myself. Check it out!

2. Trade and Invest Wisely
The ugly truth of investing is that many who do it actually lose money in the process. Not because the market is stacked against them, but because the investor isn't truly educated. Many become overconfident with the power they possess to trade and invest right at their fingertips. For those who are educated, savvy and patient, the market can offer great rewards. What it comes down to is behavior, and for more about how to adopt the right wealth-centered attitude. Read 5 more tips to improve your wealth attitude.

3. Borrow Like a Pro
There's a massive difference between those who are drowning in debt and those who borrow wisely. The wealthiest 10 percent of Americans are half as likely to have debt as their middle-income counterparts. Another thing the wealthy believe in is a mortgage-almost 60 percent have a primary mortgage, compared with a low 40% for the rest of the population. And although many own their homes outright, they're often more apt to put their money to work for them through investments that yield higher returns.

Friday, September 5, 2008

On being a "Victim"

Curing Victimitis

Watch your thoughts; they lead to attitudes.
Watch your attitudes; they lead to words.
Watch your words; they lead to actions.
Watch your actions; they lead to habits.
Watch your habits; they form your character.
Watch your character; it determines your destiny.

These words of unknown origin tell us that our silent and often subconscious choices shape our future. Every aspect of our lives, at home and at work, can be improved if we use our power to think, reflect, and make conscious choices about our thoughts, attitudes, words, actions, and habits.

Instead, many of us think of ourselves as victims. We complain about our circumstances and what others did to us. Whatever psychological comfort there is in feeling powerless and blameless when things aren't going right, in the end, victims lead unsatisfied lives.

We're most vulnerable to victimitis when we're under the influence of powerful emotions like fear, insecurity, anger, frustration, grief, or depression. These feelings are so powerful, we believe our state of mind is inevitable. Our only hope is they will go away on their own. Yet it's during times of emotional tumult that using our power to choose our thoughts and attitudes is most important. We can't make pain go away, but we can refuse to suffer.

Even when we don't like any of our choices, we do have some -- once we realize we can take control. It isn't easy, but what we do and how we choose to feel about ourselves has a profound impact on the quality of our lives. Victims may get sympathy for a while, but that isn't enough.

Taking personal responsibility for our happiness and success can be scary, but the payoff is enormous. Although we can't make our lives perfect, we can make them better -- usually a lot better.

Michael Josephson

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Kingman Streetdrags Coming September 20-21st 2008!

SUPPORT the Kingman Robotics Team 60 at Streetdrags--Visit the Verve booth--ALL proceeds from this 2 day event will go for support of the 2008-2009 Kingman Robotics Team 60!!!!

For a brief history of this Premier Kingman Event, check out this LINK

In 2008 Team 60 won at Regionals and place third in the World! To learn about more about what this is all about, click on FIRST

Check out the intranet announcement from May 22, 2008

2008-05-22 01:25 PM | Tony Victory

KHS Robotics - 3rd at World Finals
Congratulations to the Kingman Robotics Team.

They just returned from the World Championships in Atlanta where 340 of the best teams from 7 countries went to compete. To make a long story short they came in 1st in their division (out of 85 teams) and went on the next level of competition and ended up placing 3rd in the World along with alliance partners teams 986 out of California and team 233 out of Florida.

This places the Kingman Robotics Team in the top 99.6% of the teams that have competed in the US FIRST Robotics Competition this year.

Don't forget to visit us during the Drags----Arizona Resident?? Arizona Taxpayer?? Use your tax credit benefit!! Donation forms will be available at the booth!

Children Learn What They Live

An ancient Chinese proverb tells us, "A child's life is like a piece of paper on which every passerby leaves a mark." We cannot teach our children self-esteem. We can only help them discover it within themselves by adding positive marks and strokes on their slates. All positive motivation is rooted in self-esteem – the development of which, just as with other skills takes practice. Think of self-esteem as a four-legged chair.

A Sense of Belonging: The first leg of self-esteem is a sense of belonging. We all have a deep-seated need to feel we're part of something larger than ourselves. This need, which psychologists call an affiliation drive, encompasses people, places and possessions. Our instinct for belonging – for being wanted, accepted, enjoyed, and loved by close ones – is extremely powerful. It explains the bond of an extended family, friends, and teammates. It also explains why some adolescents join gangs. They want to belong, even if it´s wrong.

Make your children proud of their family heritage and make your home a place where they feel safe, loved and welcome. Also, make your home a place where your children want to bring their friends, rather than a place they want to leave as soon as possible.

A Sense of Individual Identity:
The second leg, which complements the sense of belonging, is a sense of individual identity. No human being is exactly like another, not even an identical twin. We are all unique combinations of talents and traits that never existed before and will never exist again in quite the same package. (This explains why most parents believe their children came from different planets!)

Observe your children as they grow and play. Watch their learning styles. Notice what they love to do in their free time. Help them discover their unique positive talents and help nurture them into skills. Report cards don't necessarily measure talents. They often are a measure only of discipline, memory and attention span.

A Sense of Worthiness: The third leg of self-esteem is a sense of worthiness, the feeling that I'm glad I'm me, with my genes and background, my body, my unique thoughts. Without our own approval, we have little to offer. If we don't feel worth loving, it's hard to believe that others love us; instead, we tend to see others as appraisers or judges of our value.

Show your children unconditional love. Carefully separate the doer from the deed, and the performer from the performance. The message: "I love you no matter what happens, and I'm always there for you" is one of most important concepts in building a feeling of worthiness or intrinsic value in children. After every reprimand, let them know you love them. Before they go to sleep at night, give them the reassurance that, regardless of what happened that day, you love them unconditionally.

A healthy sense of belonging, identity, and worthiness can only be rooted in intrinsic core values as opposed to outer, often material, motivation. Without them, we depend on others constantly to fill our leaking reserves of self-esteem – but also tend to suspect others of ulterior motives. Unable to accept or reject others' opinions for what they're worth, we are defensive about criticism and paranoid about praise – and no amount of praise can replace the missing qualities.

A healthy sense of belonging, identity, and worthiness is also essential to belief in your dreams. It is most essential during difficult times, when you have only a dream to hang on to.

A Sense of Control and Competence: Early in my career in motivational psychology, I thought the chair of self-esteem balanced firmly on those three legs, especially since they involved intrinsic core values. It took much time and research to realize that a fourth leg – one of the most important – was missing.

There are many reasons why few Americans currently in high school and college believe they were born to win. The supportive extended family – in many cases, even the nuclear family – is disappearing. Role models are increasingly unhealthy. The commercial media bombards young senses ever more insistently with crime, violence, hedonism, and other unhealthy forms of escape. But whatever the explanation, constructive citizens and leaders in society cannot emerge and develop without the creative imagination that serves them like fuel – which is why the apprehension, frustration, and hesitation I see and hear in the younger generation is cause for concern. At the moment, the future they imagine will help drive neither happiness nor success.

The chair's fourth leg is self-efficacy, a functional belief in your ability to control what happens to you in a changing, uncertain world. A sense of worthiness may give you the emotional means to venture, but you need self-efficacy, the sense of competence and control, to believe you can succeed. That's why it is so important to assign responsibility for small tasks to your children as early as possible so they can learn that their choices and efforts result in consequences and successes. The more success they experience, the stronger their confidence grows – and the more responsibility they want to assume.

Give them specific household chores and duties they can accomplish and be proud of. Teach them that their problems and setbacks are just temporary inconveniences and learning experiences. Emphasize it constantly: Setbacks are not failures.

Armed with a view of failure as a learning experience, children can develop an early eagerness for new challenges and will be less afraid to try new skills. Although they appreciate compliments, they benefit most from their own belief that they are making a valuable contribution to life, according to their own internal standards.

In an increasingly competitive global marketplace, each new, young member of the workforce simply must believe that he or she is a team leader, a self-empowered, quality individual who expresses that quality in excellent production and service. With increasing pressures on profit and the need to do more with fewer workers because of e-commerce and changing technology, it is essential that parents and business leaders help raise the value of their childrens' and employees' stock in themselves.

Our Kids are Not Our Clones

One of the most valuable lessons I have learned in being an effective family leader and in raising six children is to: "Treat our children with the same respect, we expect from them." Our children are not clones or copies of us. Although they mimic us and other adults as role models, they cannot be expected to feel or act the way we do. Kahlil Gibran is my favorite on the subject:

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life´s longing for itself….
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit,
Not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them be like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday

-- Denis Waitley
Denis Waitley recorded a special one DVD program that tells you how! Raising Confident Kids

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Great Books

"The books that help you most are those which make you think the most. A great book that comes from a great thinker is a ship of thought, deep freighted with truth and beauty."

Theodore Parker
1810-1860, Minister
To see a listing of some books I think are "essential reads" for life success, click HERE

Monday, August 18, 2008


From Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day newsletter. Serenity is something that I strive for and found this section from James Allen's book very helpful.
Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. It is the result of long and patient effort in self-control. Its presence is an indication of ripened experience, and of a more than ordinary knowledge of the laws and operations of thought.

A person becomes calm in the measure that one understands themselves as a thought evolved being, for such knowledge necessitates the understanding of others as the result of thought, and as one develops a right understanding, and sees more and more clearly the internal relations of things by the action of cause and effect, one ceases to fuss and fume and worry and grieve, and remains poised, steadfast, serene.

The calm person, having learned how to govern themselves, knows how to adapt themselves to others; and they, in turn, reverence their spiritual strength, and feel that they can learn of them and rely upon them. The more tranquil a person becomes, the greater is their success, their influence, their power for good. Even the ordinary trader will find their business prosperity increase as one develops a greater self control and equanimity, for people will always prefer to deal with a person whose demeanor is strongly equable.

The strong, calm person is always loved and revered. They are like a shade-giving tree in a thirsty land, or a sheltering rock in a storm. Who does not love a tranquil heart, a sweet-tempered, balanced life? It does not matter whether it rains or shines, or what changes come to those possessing these blessings, for they are always sweet, serene, and calm. That exquisite poise of character which we call serenity is the last lesson of culture; it is the flowering of life, the fruitage of the soul. It is precious as wisdom, more to be desired than gold, than even fine gold. How insignificant mere money seeking looks in comparison with a serene life - a life that dwells in the ocean of truth, beneath the waves, beyond the reach of tempests, in the eternal calm!

How many people we know who sour their lives, who ruin all that is sweet and beautiful by explosive tempers, who destroy their poise of character, and make bad blood! It is a question whether the great majority of people do not ruin their lives and mar their happiness by lack of self-control flow few people we meet in life who are well-balanced, who have that exquisite poise which is characteristic of the finished character!

James Allen
1864-1912, Author

Sent to you as a courtesy of:

Bob Proctor

Please feel free to contact us any of the ways below:

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Energy drink = monster problem: Teen athletes will find caffeine buzz short-lived

Found this article on energy drinks and athletes--just another reason why if one drinks an energy drink at all, it should be one with less than 100 mg caffeine and not loaded with sugar--check out Verve! for a healthy alternative!
By Amy Howell • • August 12, 2008 Found through
With names such as Vault and slogans like "Go Full Throttle or go home," caffeine-packed energy drinks conjure Olympic-sized feats of greatness.

Teens, looking for a quick energy boost or a competitive edge, are guzzling them.

Thirty-five percent of 12- to 17-year-olds say they consume energy drinks regularly, compared with just 15 percent of adults, according to Mintel, a Chicago market research firm. Mintel estimates the energy-drink market will reach $4.8 billion this year - a growth of 363 percent since 2003.

But as high school sports teams in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky start sweating it out during intense summer conditioning, nutritionists, trainers and coaches are warning student-athletes that fueling up with energy drinks can deplete - rather than enhance - their performance.

"Our job as trainers is (to) take them to their limits, and it's just not safe to do that when you have this stuff in your body," says Jeremy Hardin, the fitness director at Town & Country Sports & Health Club in Wilder. "You're taking one step forward and two steps backward."

The main concern is when athletes use energy drinks as a substitute for proper nutrition, hydration or sleep - essentials already in short supply for most teens.

"There have been kids who come into our facility and are carrying (an energy drink). We ask, 'How much sleep did you get last night and did you eat breakfast?' " says trainer Rocky Tekulve.

"If the answer is, 'I slept over at a friend's house last night and didn't eat but thought this would perk me up,' then it's, 'Call your mom and dad because we're not working out today. You're in no condition,' " says Tekulve, who helps high school players improve their speed, mechanics and coordination.

The National Federation of State High School Athletic Associations recommends athletes avoid caffeine.

Among the reasons cited: "high risk of dehydration associated with excess urine production (and) decreased voluntary fluid intake."

Ninety-five percent of student athletes don't drink the 64 ounces of water a day recommended for teens and adults, and don't come close to replenishing the 24 ounces of fluid they lose during an hour and a half of training, says Hardin, who coaches the junior varsity men's soccer team at Campbell County High School.

Energy drinks add to the problem. Cindy Cassell, a Hyde Park-based nutritionist who consults athletic trainers at several local high schools, has seen football players drink two or three Red Bulls during practice - in place of water.

The caffeine in energy drinks - which is two to four times the amount found in a typical 12-ounce soda - can act as a diuretic, and the high amounts of sugar slow the body's absorption of water - contributing to dehydration and decreasing an athlete's concentration, speed and strength.

"Performance levels drop if you're dehydrated by even small percentages," says Carlo Alvarez, the strength and conditioning coach at St. Xavier High School.

Without sufficient water in the body, "the liver can't metabolize fat (quickly) enough, and you're going to get slow," Hardin says.

After the caffeine boost wears off - in 45 to 60 minutes - athletes can expect a crash.

"You can tell who's drinking them because two-thirds of the way through practice, they're done. They can't make it through a two-hour practice," Cassell says.

Trainers warn this "buzz-crash" pattern can perpetuate a cycle of unhealthy habits.

"By the time they go home, they want to sleep, not eat," Tekulve says.

Athletes without adequate sleep and nutrition are more prone to respiratory illness - and more time on the bench, says Hardin.

But trainers and coaches acknowledge there's only so much they can do to combat the high-powered marketing of energy drink manufacturers - which sponsor extreme sporting events and endurance challenges.

"Kids are going to drink that stuff. We know that. The marketing is too hard," Hardin says. "That's why we say 'moderation.' "

Although there are no guidelines to a safe amount of caffeine consumption for those under 18, the generally accepted daily maximum for teens is 100 milligrams, says Betsy Oriolo, a registered dietitian who offers nutrition counseling.

One can of Red Bull comes in slightly under the limit, with 83 milligrams, but a 16-ounce can of Monster Energy tips the scales at 160 milligrams.
Verve! contains 80 mg of natural caffeine in a base of a full 2 oz shot of Vemma, effervescent sparkling water, a proprietory energy blend, and is cold flash pasturizeed to actually maintain the nutrients listed on the label. No post drink energy crash and sustained energy and alertness for hours--thanks to Vemma!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Having A Vision

From the "Insight for the Day" mailing by Bob Proctor

Whether you liked his politics or not, much can be learned from the life of former President Clinton. Grolier's "New Book of Knowledge" reports that as a teenager "Clinton thought of becoming a doctor or a reporter or even a musician. But after a fateful meeting with President John F. Kennedy, while still in high school, he made up his mind to enter politics." At that moment a vision was born that he would hold onto - that he would glorify in his mind over and over - for the next 30 years, until he himself was elected President at the age of 46.

Jay Leno, who succeeded the venerable Johnny Carson as host of "The Tonight Show," first envisioned that he would be the host when he was just 22-years-old and unknown and unproven as a comedian, much less as host of a show of such regard. For twenty years he enthroned in his heart an ideal that most people would have thought was "foolish, outlandish and impossible."

The ancient writer tells us in Proverbs that "Without a vision, the people perish." And Thoreau told us that "The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation." No doubt because the masses are without a vision for their lives.

What is your vision for your future, your ideal life? Is it written down? Do you review it and think about it often? Have you "enthroned" it in your heart? Is your life organized around goals and objectives that will ensure your vision is reached?

Wallace D. Wattles, wrote "There is no labor from which most people shrink as they do from that of sustained and consecutive thought; it is the hardest work in the world." And yet it is the "sustained and consecutive thought" about our vision that is the first and primary labor of achievement.

Thoreau also wrote one of my favorite passages of all time. And it gives us the best reason there is to stop what you're doing today and identify the vision for your life. "If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours."

And that's worth thinking about!

Vic Johnson

Vic Johnson is a speaker, author and entrepreneur. You can visit his website at:

Sent to you as a courtesy of:
Bob Proctor
Finally! After many requests it''s here!
Bob Proctor''s Successful youth program GOAL33
is now offering a coaching DVD at the introductory
price of only $24.95. Check it out at:

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Free Mentoring on the web


Free Mentoring

take YOUR business places you can only dream about. It is ALL about personal growth for sure.....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Changing Focus

"Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. We lose many irreplaceable hours brooding over grievances that, in a year's time, will be forgotten by us and by everybody. No, let us devote our life to worthwhile actions and feelings, to great thoughts, real affections and enduring undertakings."
Andre Maurois
1885-1967, Writer

Reading this quote today, I find that I have spent far too much time in the past thinking about things that have happened in the past, all the while rendering myself unable to forge ahead with the tasks of the day. Focusing on the negative only breeds more of the same—we are what we think about most of the time and we will never obtain that which we negate. By focusing on the positives and the positive outcomes we look towards and aspire to, we set the wheels in motion to attract those things to us.

Quote of the Day "Fear of Failure"

"Fear of failure and fear of the unknown are always defeated by faith. Having faith in yourself, in the process of change, and in the new direction that change sets will reveal your own inner core of steel." Georgette Mosbacher

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Associations of vegetable and fruit consumption with age-related cognitive change

I found this study interesting, available in NEUROLOGY 2006;67:1370-1376
© 2006 American Academy of Neurology. Link HERE for the abstract.

Basically, the conclusion stated that "High vegetable but not fruit consumption may be associated with slower rate of cognitive decline with older age."

another reason to get your VeMMA everyday!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

and another one

Memories of the Church at Tenent,
Englishtown NJ.

In my youth I walked among the pews,
Brought here by my Father,
Whose reverence of history,
Lives on within me.
The smell of must tinging the air,
Of that little white Tenent Church.

I remember the awe I felt,
My hands running over blood,
Left 200 years before.
A more powerful memorial,
Then those slabs of remembrance,
Planted in the graveyard,
Cold and lifeless.

So many I remember....
Crumbling masonry,
Words hardly legible,
Marking those who came
And never returned.
Blood stained colonial pews,
Where young men laid,
Wounded and dying,
In the throws of the birth of this nation.

An ocean away, I remember the photographs,
A sight never witnessed although,
Is forever etched in my mind.
Rows upon rows of white crosses,
Spread out acre upon acre.
Young blood shed for conviction,
Of men giving the ultimate gift.

On this day I remember,
The many lives given for freedom,
So many forgotten,
This gift, taken for granted.
Paid for with the blood of sacrifice,
So that I may live as I do today.
© May 24 1998
jeanne marie

Gray rainy day thots

Sitting here quietly enjoying a rainy, gray afternoon ( not the "norm for northern Az), I began thinking about the east coast--and recalled this poem I wrote a long time ago--it seems sometimes to be another lifetime. So, here it is :)

A lone angler casts his hopes into the surf,
quietly sitting, contemplating life.
At peace with the surrounding silence of nature.
An occasional stroller along the shoreline,
water teasing the feet, quietly washing away footprints.

Wind whipped grass swaying on storm flattened dunes.
The expanse of the great gray Atlantic greeting the eye,
water cool to the touch.
The shoreline hammered by the surf,
manipulated by the whim of the sea.
Forever changing, yet somehow the same.

Sandpipers dancing with the surf,
as little children not wanting to wet their feet.
Tiny creatures of the sand, blowing bubbles
as the waves recede from the shore.
Living pools, remnants of the high tide,
entrapping creatures of the sea.

Shattered shells, the horseshoe crab,
an occasional starfish, littering the sand.
Further inland, egrets roost in the trees,
appearing as snowy white ornaments
in the early morning light.
Petite sika deer, wild ponies of lore,
inhabit the meadows, feasting on the salty grass.

The lowly clam, making its home
amongst the sandy bottom of the cove.
Mussels tenuously moored to the cordgrass.
The heron, distinctive, regal in stance,
parading through the brackish pools
in search of sustenance.

The crab, claws raised up
to ward off the impending assailant.
The piping plover, nesting on the protected sand of their
Ever present gulls laughing on the breeze, mocking

Still it remains, this beautiful land,
"this place across" the water,
even amongst the marks of man.
The beauty of all things wild and free.

© Jeanne Marie Fusco November 1997
Chincoteauge Island Virgina

Monday, July 14, 2008

Mental Prisons by Bob Proctor

Some time ago I did a show on Habits. They play an important role in your life. Like many aspects of your life, habits can be considered both a blessing and a curse. Robert Russell in his magnificent little book "You Try It" wrote that habit was God's way of making good automatic in your life.

I had a wonderful friend in Atlanta, the late Dr. Jay Dishman, who wrote an excellent article about habit in his monthly newsletter dated February 1985. I have shared Dr. Dishman's article with thousands of people around the world. Today I want to share it with you. Here goes!

"Recently I visited Alcatraz Prison. Once it housed the most hardened of criminals. Today it is open to tourists under the direction of the United States Parks Department. Many men have tried to escape Alcatraz; no one is known to have succeeded. As I listened to the tour guide explain the impossibility of escape, I thought of other prisons equally confining but where the doors are never locked, no guards walk the halls, and escape is encouraged and possible. That prison is Habit."

Our habit is thinking about ourselves and our environment as a jail or a paradise. We need but to look around us to see people who are rich emotionally and materially because they think and feel rich. We also see people who are laden with emotional and material debt because they think lack. Some are inspired with vision, others are encumbered with doubt. Some are moved by ambition, others feel safer in monotony. Some reach for the mountain tops, others huddle in the pits. Some seek opportunity, others wait for it to knock. The sad fact is that more people are confined by their thoughts than are fed by them.

Negative thinking shuts us in a prison, but there is a way out. The apostle Paul said, "Be transformed by the renewal of your mind." Paul knew a lot about prisons, both physical and mental. You renew your life by renewing your mind. You renew your mind when you change your habit of thinking.

Dr. Jay Dishman helped thousands change their habit of thinking in his lifetime. Now hopefully he has helped you.

Bob Proctor

Bob Proctor is a speaker, personal success coach and author of the best selling book "You Were Born Rich." Join Bob and some of his closest friends on October 18. Go to: for all the information.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Jump-Start Beverage Sales with Energy Drinks

The $6.6 billion energy-drink market is the place to be, especially for operators targeting the Gen-Y audience.
By Allison Perlik, Senior Editor -- Restaurants and Institutions, 5/19/2008 3:43:00 PM

If energy drinks aren’t yet on your menu or even your radar, consider this eye-popping news: The market for energy-boosting beverages has ballooned by more than 400% over the past five years. Sales have grown from $1.2 billion in 2002 to an estimated $6.6 billion in 2007, according to market-research firm Packaged Facts, which projects that the market will reach $9.3 billion by 2011.

“People are busy. They have a lot going on, they’re tired and that quick little pick-me-up has become very popular,” says Beverage Manager Jason Passmore at Houston-based casual-dining chain Joe’s Crab Shack, which introduced three energy-drink cocktails last May and recently added an alcohol-free version flavored with passion-fruit syrup.

At Joe’s, caffeine-fueled drinks such as the Starburst (an energy drink mixed with orange rum and citrus-vanilla Italian liqueur) appeal most to the 25-and-under crowd who may be kicking off a night out with dinner, Passmore says, noting that the mixed drinks outsell the energy drinks served on their own.
Findings from market researcher Mintel International show that younger diners are indeed driving sales in the segment: More than 30% of teen-agers and consumers age 25 or younger say they drink energy drinks, compared to 14% of adults.

to read the rest of the article, click HERE


"People of character do the right thing, not because they think it will change the world but because they refuse to be changed by the world."

Actor and Author of Michael Josephson
Radio Commentator

Friday, June 27, 2008

Dealing with someone elses negativity


When it comes to questions about the Law of Attraction, the questions I receive the most from my audience are around how to deal with negativity of others. It seems many, many people have negative loved ones in their life that they feel are holding them back from their good. Don't you wish there was a pill for that?

What do you do when you're trying to change your own beliefs and own thought patterns so you have more hope and more expectancy of good things in your life? Gosh, it's hard enough being vigilant about what's going on for you never mind having to add other people's 'stuff' into the mix.

When people start to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how much impact our thoughts, feelings and beliefs have on the outcome of their life, they obviously start to try to monitor that more closely. Essentially, positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs create positive outcomes in one's life. Negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs create negative outcomes. Simple, right? Absolutely, this is a simple concept. Easy to implement? Well, not always.

This brings us back to our wanna-be positive person with the negative-nelly spouse or close family member. We've all been through this scenario where we are having a pretty good day. We've been at home or at work doing our own thing and feeling pretty good about ourselves and our prospects and you connect with your loved one and BANG their mood or words immediately impact you. You've now gone from feeling pretty on top of the world to wanting to rip someone's face off. Not good. This shift has happened all because of the impact of this other person's mood or words. Now I'm going to shift that statement a tad and say this instead - this shift has happened all because of the impact you let this other person's mood or words have on you. Get it? It's a choice.

Why would we let someone else's words or moods or energy impact us when the effects can be so detrimental? For the most part, it's because we've learned this from our parents or caregivers. It really is a survival skill that has helped many people survive their childhood years. This behaviour is also called co-dependency, but I'm not going to get into this here. The fact is, as we get older this survival skill becomes less useful and often harmful to our self-esteem. And, with Law of Attraction, succumbing to others bad moods only helps to ensure that the life that we truly want stays at bay.

How DO you deal effectively with someone else's negativity?

There are a number of ways but let's explore one here that I have found works very effectively with situations where you know ahead of time that the person you will encounter is going to be negative.

This technique goes by a variety of names but all I want you to do is to imagine the situation you are about to go into and ask yourself this question....what is the best outcome I could imagine that I would like to have happen? Notice I'm not asking you to imagine the most likely outcome or even the best outcome considering the source. I want you to imagine YOUR best outcome.

I walked through this exercise with a woman who was about to go and meet her ex-husband to do the weekend kid exchange thing. As she describes, their interactions never go well and are always very strained and frustrating. She wanted that to change. I asked her to imagine the best outcome and, of course, to what she thought was possible. I egged her on and asked again for her best outcome. Next, she was to really imagine how incredible that would feel to have the outcome happen that she wanted to happen. We got her to stay in that moment for a bit and really feel the feelings. Not a hard process - quick and easy. When I next saw her she mentioned that her meeting with her ex was the most positive she had had in a long time and he even asked her why they were getting along so well!

Why did this happen? She shifted her energy and therefore everything else shifted. Simple Law of Attraction in practice. Try it out next time you're expecting a lousy encounter, my bet is that you'll have better results and less negativity.

You deserve to have what you want - make it happen!
Article obtained from:Law of Attraction Coach and Podcaster, Karen Luniw, publishes The Law of Attraction Tips weekly with thousands of subscribers and she also produces a Top US and Canadian Podcast, The Law of Attraction Tips that you can find on Itunes. If you're ready to have more of what you want in your life, make more money, have better relationships and have more fun get your FREE tips now at

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On being afraid

Don't be afraid if things seem difficult in the beginning. That's only the initial impression. The important thing is not to retreat; you have to master yourself."

Olga Korbut
Gymnast - Four Time Olympic Gold Medallist

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Jillian Michaels and the Wii

My kids have a Wii and I have been thinking about getting them Wii Fit just to add some more movement into all our lives..when I saw this article this morning, I thot "cool" maybe something I'd really like to do too! I love Jillian's workouts--she kicks my butt tho but it is definitely something I need! LOL! I am working through the "30 Day Shred" and the power sculpt series. Nearly breaking my toe last night has put a damper on my exercise routine for the moment :( :( :( but I figure I'll concentrate on the upper body and not do all the jumping jacks etc. The getting up on my toes to do a plank would just about kill me right now!
Excerpts from the article below: full article available HERE
Jillian Michaels brings fitness know-how to Wii
Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:05am EDT

By David Ward

SAN DIEGO (Hollywood Reporter) - Game publisher Majesco Entertainment has announced a partnership with celebrity fitness trainer Jillian Michaels for an exercise-themed video game for the Nintendo Wii.

"Jillian Michaels' Fitness Ultimatum 2009," slated for a holiday release, leverages the motion-based Wii system and Balance Board accessory to create a title that combines solid game play with a fitness regimen, advice and exercise techniques provided by Michaels, the strength trainer and life coach on NBC's "The Biggest Loser."

"I truly think this type of product will be instrumental in revolutionizing the fitness industry and will help combat the childhood obesity epidemic in this country," Michaels said.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

Monday, June 9, 2008

Study on Vitamin E and Alzheimer's Disease

Just another reason I take Vemma :)
Excerpts from the article with full article available HERE

New findings presented at the American Academy of Neurology 60th Anniversary Annual Meeting in Chicago show that people with Alzheimer's disease who take vitamin E appear to live longer than those who don't take the vitamin, though more research is needed to confirm these findings.

For the study, researchers followed 847 people with Alzheimer's disease for an average of five years. About two-thirds of the group took 1,000 international units of vitamin E twice a day, along with the Alzheimer’s drug Aricept [CHECK THIS]. Like the drugs Exelon and Razadyne, Aricept is known as a “cholinesterase inhibitor,” a class of drugs that may temporarily slow, but not reverse, the downward progression of Alzheimer’s. Less than 10 percent of the group took vitamin E alone, and approximately 15 percent did not take vitamin E.

The study found people who took vitamin E, with or without an Alzheimer’s drug, were 26 percent less likely to die than people who didn't take vitamin E.

Many people with Alzheimer's or at risk for the disease take vitamin E to protect the brain from damage, even though the vitamin does not have proven benefit for brain health. Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant, a substance that neutralizes highly reactive oxygen molecules (or free radicals) throughout the body, including the brain.

Although nobody knows what causes Alzheimer’s disease, studies show that an excess of free radicals may damage brain cells. Scientists have been studying antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C and others to see if they have benefits for people with Alzheimer’s or help prevent the onset of the disease.

Earlier research has suggested that vitamin E may delay the progression of moderately severe Alzheimer’s disease. “Now, we've been able to show that vitamin E appears to increase the survival time of Alzheimer's patients as well," said study author Valory Pavlik, Ph.D., with Baylor College of Medicine’s Alzheimer’s Disease and Memory Disorders Center in Houston. “This is particularly important, because recent studies in heart disease patients have questioned whether vitamin E is beneficial for survival.”

Several large studies of vitamin E for the prevention or treatment of Alzheimer’s are ongoing. One, the PREADVISE, for “Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease by Vitamin E and Selenium,” trial is attempting to determine if the antioxidant effects of vitamin E and selenium can help to prevent memory loss and dementia in older adults. Another study, sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs, is asking whether the combination of vitamin E and Namenda (memantine) slows progression of mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Todays Quote

"you can change your life by changing your mind"
Jillian Michaels

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


"Personal initiative is very important if you wish to rise above the crowd. Personal initiative simply means that you will do the thing you ought to do without someone else telling you to do it."

Napoleon Hill

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Words of Wisdom

“Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Napoleon Hill

Kingman Relay For Life

The relay really opened up some emotions that I have not dealt with in a long time. From the opening ceremonies, the survivor lap, and the luminaries, I just kept thinking about how many lives have been touched by this one disease. There were so many people I knew that were wearing purple survivor shirts, I was amazed at the numbers even though I “know” the statistics—this event brought the statistics on a large scale to life. I have already dealt with cancer on a more personal level. My Dad, Eugene Fusco, died of lung cancer January 1, 1998. Even though it has been over 10 years, there is still a whole, something missing from my life- I am still brought to tears thinking about him. My grandfather also died of cancer-I never had the opportunity to really get to know him because I was so young and he so sick—I sometimes wonder about his life beyond the few stories I have heard.
People are so precious; no one is replaceable or forgettable. I need to keep this message forefront as I go about my days-my daily thoughts, actions, words-everything about who I am and what I do- live on and effect people that I both know and don’t know. How do I want to be remembered? What legacy will I leave behind? Legacies aren’t grand building, huge trusts, foundations or memorials—legacies live on in the people that you have touched in some way…those are the most meaningful. So today I leave you with a quote from a great man:

“Everybody can be great…because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Home Based Business

Why you should start your own home based business

after reading the article above, check out THIS SITE for a fantastic home based business opportunity!

Monday, May 26, 2008

On Making A Difference by Max Lucado

Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of their thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark. Today I will make a difference.

I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving. Today I will make a difference.

I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It's OK to stumble - I will get up. It's OK to fail - I will rise again. Today I will make a difference.

I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.

Today I will make a difference.

Max Lucado
From On The Anvil

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Thot on Declarations

"Declarations are powerful. If you declare that you are going to be an optimistic, upbeat person at all times, an interesting phenomenon takes place. When people expect you to be positive, you don't want to let them down. You live your intentions every day – every minute."

Neil Eskelin

Friday, May 23, 2008

$27 Value--FREE-Finding your Why

I have been involved with the Barefoot Executive for several months and am thrilled with all the free information she has offered. Now, I have the opportunity to share with you a free Free Downloadable MP3 Audio & PDF Transcript called finding your WHY ($27 value) ! I have been learning so much about goal setting and all; I just wanted to share the link with you too! Just click on the link below to take you to the page where you can get your free information. Finding your WHY

Gastric Bypass and nutritional deficiency- The Thots of Jm and Researchers

Those of you who know me personally already know that I had gastric bypass surgery May 31, 2002. It has been a blessing and a battle combined--weight loss surgery (WLS) is not something that should be undertaken lightly--it is NOT a magic pill or fix it fast solution--it is a decision one makes carefully because there are life long consequences. I have "known" from personally experience and from that of others that supplementation is ESSENTIAL for ANY WLS patient.

Surgeons are phenomenal at what they do and losing weight gives many of us our "lives back" but far too many surgeons do not know nutrition--the research out there just supports the fact that not much is known about post op life and nutrition. I came across this very recent article abstract in the May 2008 edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and it reinforces what I already know. I have experienced nutritional deficiency while taking 40+ vitamin pills a day and spending upwards of $250 a month trying to feel better. First, my surgeon, Dr. Alan Newhoff in Phoenix Arizona gave me the tool to get my life back--for that I am eternally eternally grateful---It wasn't until I changed my Vitamins that I have the vitality to now LIVE. Thank you BK Boreyko for this amazing product.

Below is my synopsis of the article, with appropriate citations given (best rendition of APA style this forum allows me--of course since I just finished my Scholarly Paper for my Master's Degree Project--hence the graduation photo's in the slideshow). I also moderate a yahoo group for WLS patients in the northern Arizona, southern Nevada area, shoot me a comment and I'll send you the link.
Nutritional Deficiencies After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass For Morbid Obesity Often Cannot Be Prevented By Standard Multivitamin Supplementation

A study just published in the May 2008 edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that following gastric bypass surgery, nutritional deficiencies are very common and occur despite supplementation with standard multivitamin supplementation (Gasteyger, Suter, Gaillard, & Giusti, 2008). The study looked at 137 gastric bypass recipients 2 years post surgery and found that starting in month three, patients required at least one supplement in addition to the multivitamin. Common deficiencies found included B-12, Iron, Calcium, Vitamin D and Folic Acid. After one year, 59% of the participants needed additional supplements, and this increased to 98% at the 2 year mark. Although less commonly identified, the authors found deficiencies in thiamine, magnesium, B-6 and zinc (Decker, Swain, Crowell, & Scolapio, 2007; Gasteyger et al., 2008).

Gasteyger et al. concluded that further research is needed to better care and treat nutritional deficiencies following gastric bypass surgery and that the current multivitamin supplementation protocol is not sufficient for preventing nutritional deficiencies. They also recommended further study as well as routine blood lab work to identify deficiencies earlier.


Gasteyger, C., Suter, M., Gaillard, M., and Giusti, V. (2008).Nutritional
Deficiencies after Roux-en-Y gastricbypass for morbid obesity often cannot be prevented by standard multivitamin supplementation [Electronic version]. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, (87), (5), 1128-1133.

Decker, G.A., Swain, J.M., Crowell, M.D., and Scolapio, J.S. (2007).Gastrointestinal and nutritional complications after bariatric surgery [Electronic version]. The American Journal of Gastroenterology, 102 (11), 2571-2580.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Always Try

"The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it."

Debbi Fields
Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thot for the day

"That you may retain your self-respect, it is better to displease the people by doing what you know is right than to temporarily please them by doing what you know is wrong."

William J.H. Boetcker

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

BE that which you want

"The capacity for getting along with our neighbor depends to a large extent on the capacity for getting along with ourselves. The self-respecting individual will try to be as tolerant of his neighbor's shortcomings as he is of his own."

Eric Hoffer
1898-1983, Writer

Reading this quote this morning really convicted me--how often we approach our outside worlds through the filters of our inside world--the feelings inside us--about ourselves--color our perceptions of other people and situations. These feelings then feed on one another and grow--being intolerant of others' shortcomings that we see in ourselves causes us to become even more angry--it is cyclic--some of us can easily turn the anger inward at ourselves while others lash out at others and don't appear to have the introspection needed to look within and make change. Neither is an emotionally healthy place to be.

Change always begins with BEING, not DOING------
BE the person you want to become--
if you want love, BE loving
if you want peace, BE peaceful
if you want good friends, BE a good friend
if you want joy, BE joyful

and the list goes on---
this principle of life is so true---
who when they are bitter and angry are happy? One can SAY they want to be happy but unless they BE happy, happiness won't come to them.

THOUGHTS lead to FEELINGS that lead to ACTION that lead to RESUTS

It all starts with what we think about--

Today, ponder what results you have had in life--than be introspective, look at how you really THINK about things--it really IS all in your head---it all starts with how you think about things.....

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Kingman Az Relay For Life Vemma/Verve! Team!

Either as a team member, donation sponsor or BOTH!!

1 in 3 people today gets some form of cancer.. the statistics are staggering. Please join us, either as a team member, donation sponsor or BOTH to help raise money and awareness for the fight against cancer. I lost my father to lung cancer at the age of 60, an aunt and I know many friends that are battling breast and skin cancer.

It only takes a few minutes and the impact you have on lives can last a lifetime.
To donate, click donate, to join the team scroll down to team roster and click Join Vemma/Verve!

Go to Kingman Relay for Life!
Help us to exceed our first goal of $500. Please forward this link to everyone you know--- Join us in this opportunity to celebrate cancer survivors, remember those we have lost and help us fight back against this disease.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Information regarding the Vemma Bottle

Important Safety Information

We are aware of the recent media coverage regarding the use of BPA (Bisphenol A) in plastic bottles. The type of plastics used in the Vemma product bottles and caps do not contain this chemical. The plastics used in the Vemma product bottles are HDPE (High-density polyethylene) and PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). Both have passed the stringent standards of the Food and Drug Administration and are considered some of the safest plastics available.

For additional information on BPA and its safety go to: and/or

Saturday, April 19, 2008

I just LOVE listening to this Man!!!

"there comes a time when you have to drop your burdens in order to fight for yourself and your dreams."

Les Brown
Motivational Speaker

Thursday, April 17, 2008


"Allow me to be a blessing to you and allow yourself to be a blessing to others."
John Coonley
Cancer Survivor

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Things to think about on a Monday…Keeping the glass half full….

Overtired? Overstressed? Losing it?

Put some balance into your life!

If you can’t remember the last time you did something for yourself, then it’s time to re-balance your lifestyle. It’s for your health’s sake and your sanity.

Occupational Therapists believe that life should be a balance between work, self care and leisure activities. You might love your work immensely, but remember, it is only a part of your life. To lead a well- balanced life, one should have interests outside work. Indulging in these activities reduces stress and helps to develop a more positive attitude towards life. Relaxing and having fun need to be a permanent part of our lives - they make life worth living.

Some quick suggestions for “taking a moment”

* Plan to spend time in all occupational areas such as leisure, family time, self care (such as exercise and take those bubble baths!) as well as work. Don’t wait until the last minute to work on projects (don’t procrastinate).

* Weekends! Make them work for you! Studies have shown that many people spend up to 12 hours each weekend doing household chores. Spread those tasks out during the week so the weekends can be enjoyed.

* Decide what is really important to you and build time into your days to focus on those areas. Don’t overburden yourself with too many “Urgent tasks”. Be realistic about what “Must be done”. No one will do this for you. The more hectic life becomes, the more planning is important.

* Sleep is very important and studies are finding that lack of sleep can cause physical and emotional stresses. Most Americans do not get enough sleep. So, for a more peaceful day, get a good night’s sleep.

* Music! It’s been said to soothe the savage beast---listening to calming music can help you to wind down after a busy day. During exercise or those times that you need a bit more energy, upbeat music can raise your spirits and help you complete physical tasks.

* Breathe! “Take Five” and to do deep breathing exercises or just kick back and dream.

* Exercise! It is a well-known fact that when we are active, the body produces endorphins which keep us healthy and happy. Depending on the effect you want, taking a walk can be both energizing and soothing.

* Eat well! Rushing through meals can cause stress which can lead to overeating (and we all know what happens then……).

* Supplement! Take a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement. Giving your body what it needs to take care of itself is essential for good health. Even the Journal of the American Medical Association has reversed its stance on taking a vitamin supplements since June 2002. I recommend Vemma!

* Take time! Enjoy the company of others.

* Be realistic you can’t do it all every day.

* THE surefire way to “knock over your glass” is to over-commit. Learn how to say “No”

© Jeanne Marie Fusco OTR/L all rights reserved

April 15th 2008

Tax Day!!


Ok, so I don't get THAT excited about paying my taxes, I mean, who DOES???
What I AM excited about are the taxes I DON'T have to pay because I made the decision
to start my own home based business (HBB) !!

It really makes a difference----I mean, I was out doing business and everywhere I went had something to do with Vemma--so, my miles are deductible--I keep an excel log in my car on a clipboard. I drove from my JOB to another place I work because I love being there--and I was delivering some Verve! to a new team member--vwalla, the miles from JOB 1 to the next destination are deductible- I was driving those miles anyway--my HBB gives me the opportunity to utilize the breaks that Uncle Sam has written LEGALLY into the tax code....

Are you tired of paying taxes???? Waiting for the next payday??
The IRS doesn't have to be the "enemy".....take control of your own life!
Take a chance on yourself, start your own home based business..
you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!!!

My vehicle is Vemma/Verve--personally my favorite :)


"Bigness comes from doing many small things well. Individually, they are not very dramatic transactions. Together though, they add up."
Edward S. Finkelstein

I want to be part of something big---
taking the smaller steps
personal decisions
personal growth
taking time with my family
taking care of myself

These steps enable me to engage in activities that will get me where I want to go...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Practice the Reality Principle

From Brian Tracy Insight for today

The Reality Principle applies especially to matters of money. This principle states that, "You must deal with life as it is, not as you wish it were, or could be." Most people live in a world of partial self-delusion, with regard to money. They wish, hope, and pray about their financial futures while at the same time, deep in their hearts, they know their dre ams will never mat erialize. In Lewis Carroll's book, Alice in Won derland, one of the characters says quite happily that he is quite capable of believing several impossible things before breakfast each day. In the same way, many people believe quite impossible things about money and then they wonder why they are having so many financial problems.

Overcome Deep Sea ted Beliefs
One of the most common obstacles to achieving financial ind ependence is a deep-sea ted belief that somehow money is wrong and that people who have a lot of it are inherently evil. This belief is not based on any factual foundation. It goes back to early childhood conditioning when the growing child is often told this because of other people's desire to rationalize away their own financial failures.

Money Is Good
The fact is that money is good. It takes money to buy homes, cars, clothes, food and most of the good things in life. Money has an energy of its own and it is largely attracted to people who treat it well. Money tends to flow toward those people who can use it in the most productive ways to produce valuable goods and services, and who can invest it to create emp loyment and opportunities that benefit others. At the same time, money flows away from those who use it poorly, or who spend it in non-productive ways.

Action Exercises
Here are two things you can do immediately to improve your attitude toward money:

First, be perfectly honest to yourself with regard to money and to the amount you want to acquire in life. Pretending that you don't care about money when you really do will only make you unhappy.

Second, begin today to think about all the wonderful things that you could have in your life if you had more money. Then, begin to think of all the things that you could do to increase the amount you ear n and the amount you keep.
Brian Tracy has been empowering business professionals by sharing his knowledge all over the world. His techniques will allow you to reach your goals and achieve the unthinkable.
Copyright 2008, Brian Tracy International. All rights reserved.
Brian Tracy International 462 Stevens Ave Suite 202, Solana Beach, CA 92075