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Friday, June 27, 2008

Dealing with someone elses negativity


When it comes to questions about the Law of Attraction, the questions I receive the most from my audience are around how to deal with negativity of others. It seems many, many people have negative loved ones in their life that they feel are holding them back from their good. Don't you wish there was a pill for that?

What do you do when you're trying to change your own beliefs and own thought patterns so you have more hope and more expectancy of good things in your life? Gosh, it's hard enough being vigilant about what's going on for you never mind having to add other people's 'stuff' into the mix.

When people start to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how much impact our thoughts, feelings and beliefs have on the outcome of their life, they obviously start to try to monitor that more closely. Essentially, positive thoughts, feelings and beliefs create positive outcomes in one's life. Negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs create negative outcomes. Simple, right? Absolutely, this is a simple concept. Easy to implement? Well, not always.

This brings us back to our wanna-be positive person with the negative-nelly spouse or close family member. We've all been through this scenario where we are having a pretty good day. We've been at home or at work doing our own thing and feeling pretty good about ourselves and our prospects and you connect with your loved one and BANG their mood or words immediately impact you. You've now gone from feeling pretty on top of the world to wanting to rip someone's face off. Not good. This shift has happened all because of the impact of this other person's mood or words. Now I'm going to shift that statement a tad and say this instead - this shift has happened all because of the impact you let this other person's mood or words have on you. Get it? It's a choice.

Why would we let someone else's words or moods or energy impact us when the effects can be so detrimental? For the most part, it's because we've learned this from our parents or caregivers. It really is a survival skill that has helped many people survive their childhood years. This behaviour is also called co-dependency, but I'm not going to get into this here. The fact is, as we get older this survival skill becomes less useful and often harmful to our self-esteem. And, with Law of Attraction, succumbing to others bad moods only helps to ensure that the life that we truly want stays at bay.

How DO you deal effectively with someone else's negativity?

There are a number of ways but let's explore one here that I have found works very effectively with situations where you know ahead of time that the person you will encounter is going to be negative.

This technique goes by a variety of names but all I want you to do is to imagine the situation you are about to go into and ask yourself this question....what is the best outcome I could imagine that I would like to have happen? Notice I'm not asking you to imagine the most likely outcome or even the best outcome considering the source. I want you to imagine YOUR best outcome.

I walked through this exercise with a woman who was about to go and meet her ex-husband to do the weekend kid exchange thing. As she describes, their interactions never go well and are always very strained and frustrating. She wanted that to change. I asked her to imagine the best outcome and, of course, to what she thought was possible. I egged her on and asked again for her best outcome. Next, she was to really imagine how incredible that would feel to have the outcome happen that she wanted to happen. We got her to stay in that moment for a bit and really feel the feelings. Not a hard process - quick and easy. When I next saw her she mentioned that her meeting with her ex was the most positive she had had in a long time and he even asked her why they were getting along so well!

Why did this happen? She shifted her energy and therefore everything else shifted. Simple Law of Attraction in practice. Try it out next time you're expecting a lousy encounter, my bet is that you'll have better results and less negativity.

You deserve to have what you want - make it happen!
Article obtained from:Law of Attraction Coach and Podcaster, Karen Luniw, publishes The Law of Attraction Tips weekly with thousands of subscribers and she also produces a Top US and Canadian Podcast, The Law of Attraction Tips that you can find on Itunes. If you're ready to have more of what you want in your life, make more money, have better relationships and have more fun get your FREE tips now at

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