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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Benefits of Guarana and Caffeine

What is guarana and why is it used in Verve!?
Guarana seed was traditionally used by indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest as a beverage and medicine. In the early 1800’s the plant was introduced into France by a physician who had been working in Brazil and it came to be employed in the treatment of numerous ailments. Today, nutritionists believe it may be supportive for athletic performance, fatigue and weight control.

Based on recent analyses of guarana by high-performance chromatography it’s been determined to have antioxidant and free-radical scavenging abilities. The primary active constituents in guarana are guaranine; which is nearly identical to caffeine, and the closely related alkaloids, theobromine and theophylline. Guaranine is responsible for supporting vitality and is compatible with a wide variety of nutrients, hence the inclusion of guarana in Verve!

What are the benefits of caffeine?
Caffeine’s effects (and hence those of guaranine) are well known. It stimulates the central nervous system, increasing metabolic rate, and has a mild diuretic effect.¹ One recent research study showed that caffeine consumption may have benefits for performance and safety in the workplace.² The results of another study showed that caffeine may modulate a higher brain function through its effects on distinct areas of the brain, particularly as it relates to working memory.³ Working memory represents the type of brain activity needed to remember things for a short period of time such as looking at a phone number and mentally storing it until it’s been dialed. While all of these results are promising, the research does not suggest increased consumption of what is considered normal just yet

What are some of the caffeine levels of products that are currently on the market?

information found HERE

Verve! currently has 80 milligrams of caffeine which is considered an amount healthy for your heart and blood pressure by leading doctors in the field. Get your Verve! today and do something HEALTHY for your body!

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