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Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Holidays: Build your business or take a break?

“It’s the holiday season…..” as the song goes and many people are under the mistaken assumption that it means that their business needs to go on the back burner. The reasons surrounding this belief are many, from the crazy-business of the season, to people aren’t focused on business and my favorite, that others just don’t have the money.

I am here to tell you that all these reasons are so far from the truth!! Building your business NOW is possible and it all starts with YOU!

Maybe you’re one of those people that find the holidays stressful and you simply dread them. If you continue to do what you’ve always done, you will get what you have always gotten. The key is to change you focus. My good friend Cheryl Ables always reminds me of this universal truth, that “your thoughts equal your feelings that equal your actions that in turn equal your results”. If you want your business to move from surviving to thriving, YOU have to think, believe and move in that direction. What you focus on grows. Network Marketing is more about becoming the person that others want to be around then any sales tool or gimmick.

That said, here are some ways I use to build my business during the holidays and throughout the year as well:

1. Take time out for yourself. Put YOURSELF on your own priority list. I cannot stress this point enough. Eat right, exercise; find balance amidst all that goes on around you. Personal growth is the key to finding balance and avoiding a self care deficit. Read, listen to an audio book. My personal favorites right now are “The Speed of Trust” by Stephen Covey, and “Your Right To Be Rich” by Bob Proctor. Also, ANYTHING by Les Brown is a phenomenal investment in you. Don’t have these books? Put them on your Christmas list!

2. Be Positive! This means moving out of your comfort zone for many people. Put out good vibrations (the Beach Boys had it right!). Determine in yourself that you are having the best holiday season and these thoughts will lead to a change in your feelings, which change your actions and as a result, you WILL have the best holiday season. It’s simple but it can be hard. If you are comfortable, you are not growing.

3. Talk to people! The holidays are the perfect time to reconnect with those people you don’t normally see. Start conversations, ask questions. People love talking about themselves. Become an expert listener. If you don’t think that you are good at “small talk”, use a system or outline. I use F.O.R.M. which stands for Family, Occupation, Recreation and Motivation. Develop relationships now; don’t focus on signing up everyone. What seeds you plant now will positively affect your business in the next 90 days.

4. Go shopping! Spread your positive vibes and the world will know there is just something different about you. People will be attracted to you and want to know what it is that you’ve got. I find that when I set my intent on going out, meeting people and just spreading joy, I make my most important contacts…and they come to ME!

5. Focus on the positives of your product. Talk about good health, increased energy if you sell a health product for example rather than always focusing on the fear factor of poor health. Facts tell, stories sell...if people ask about what your product does, tell them how great the product has helped someone, and leave them feeling good after talking to you.

6. The holiday letter. I include a Christmas letter in my cards to give those friends and loved ones a quick update on how the family is doing. I always include a blurb about my business but not an overt sales pitch. Don’t fire hose your warm market especially when they open your card expecting season’s greetings…. all they may want at the moment is a sip of water.

7. Gifting! It is more blessed to give than to receive as the bible says. I use product as gifts for my hairdresser, massage therapist, teachers….just about anyone that I believe would benefit from using the product. You can make it as simple as a few sample or trial size items or as elaborate as a gift basket filled with product.

8. Be a boy scout! “Always be prepared”! Be ready to do business at all times but maintain a quiet intensity so that your prospects don’t get that “Uh Oh, I’m being sold” feeling. I purposely buy a bag that not only carries my necessities but also has room for several brochures and samples. Always get their contact information so that you follow up with them and see what they liked about your product/information

9. New Year’s Resolutions! Ok, I do this too, what do most people resolve to do in January? The top two are to make more money and lose weight. Do you offer a network marketing opportunity? Just imagine how to market the benefits and tax dollar savings of a home based business to those wanting to keep more of the money they make. Find your audience, what does your product/company/opportunity offer that addresses those needs?

This holiday season, don’t follow the crowd- to paraphrase Bob Proctor, if a group of people are all going in the same direction and two people are going in the opposite direction of that group, follow the TWO and you will make money.

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