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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Things to think about on a Monday…Keeping the glass half full….

Overtired? Overstressed? Losing it?

Put some balance into your life!

If you can’t remember the last time you did something for yourself, then it’s time to re-balance your lifestyle. It’s for your health’s sake and your sanity.

Occupational Therapists believe that life should be a balance between work, self care and leisure activities. You might love your work immensely, but remember, it is only a part of your life. To lead a well- balanced life, one should have interests outside work. Indulging in these activities reduces stress and helps to develop a more positive attitude towards life. Relaxing and having fun need to be a permanent part of our lives - they make life worth living.

Some quick suggestions for “taking a moment”

* Plan to spend time in all occupational areas such as leisure, family time, self care (such as exercise and take those bubble baths!) as well as work. Don’t wait until the last minute to work on projects (don’t procrastinate).

* Weekends! Make them work for you! Studies have shown that many people spend up to 12 hours each weekend doing household chores. Spread those tasks out during the week so the weekends can be enjoyed.

* Decide what is really important to you and build time into your days to focus on those areas. Don’t overburden yourself with too many “Urgent tasks”. Be realistic about what “Must be done”. No one will do this for you. The more hectic life becomes, the more planning is important.

* Sleep is very important and studies are finding that lack of sleep can cause physical and emotional stresses. Most Americans do not get enough sleep. So, for a more peaceful day, get a good night’s sleep.

* Music! It’s been said to soothe the savage beast---listening to calming music can help you to wind down after a busy day. During exercise or those times that you need a bit more energy, upbeat music can raise your spirits and help you complete physical tasks.

* Breathe! “Take Five” and to do deep breathing exercises or just kick back and dream.

* Exercise! It is a well-known fact that when we are active, the body produces endorphins which keep us healthy and happy. Depending on the effect you want, taking a walk can be both energizing and soothing.

* Eat well! Rushing through meals can cause stress which can lead to overeating (and we all know what happens then……).

* Supplement! Take a high quality vitamin and mineral supplement. Giving your body what it needs to take care of itself is essential for good health. Even the Journal of the American Medical Association has reversed its stance on taking a vitamin supplements since June 2002. I recommend Vemma!

* Take time! Enjoy the company of others.

* Be realistic you can’t do it all every day.

* THE surefire way to “knock over your glass” is to over-commit. Learn how to say “No”

© Jeanne Marie Fusco OTR/L all rights reserved

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